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In response to concerns from Raeburn Avenue over traffic problems in their street, Willoughby Council’s Traffic Engineer has commenced a six month trial of ‘No Parking’ zones near the top of. the avenue. The aim is to reduce traffic blockages and the danger to pedestrians. Council surveyed all Raeburn residents; more than half responded. Some 82 per cent had experienced traffic problems associated with parked cars; 71 per cent supported the introduction of short No Parking zones. The engineer decided on a ‘No Parking’ zone on the east side next to the doctor’s surgery, so that two lanes of traffic could pass. This seems to have achieved its aim of clearing that access/egress blockage.

More contentious are the ‘No Parking’ zones being trialed from No.1 down the street. Nearby shop-owners say trade has noticeably reduced without real benefits to traffic flow. Some locals had proposed limited duration parking to reduce all-day parking and assist surgery patients and short-term shoppers.

Council also agreed to mark all driveways to show the parking spaces available. This appears to have been successful in enabling householders to keep their driveways unobstructed. Council’s Compliance Unit has allowed a period of grace but is now enforcing the new restrictions.

Like all trials, some parts will work better than others. Residents may wish to give the trial its full six months, and then submit their views to the Council’s Traffic Section in July, for example, as to whether short-term parking would be preferable north of the shops’ laneway. Whatever the result of further fine-tuning in July, Council and its engineers are to be congratulated on the extent of consultation by survey and meeting, and the speed with which the trial’s format was implemented.

Meanwhile please do not use the junction as a turning circle, a major cause of blockages in busy times, and a danger to pedestrians and motorists. Use the roundabout at Rutland Avenue, or turn down Raeburn and do a three-point turn further down.

Bruce Wilson, Raeburn Avenue